Fall Parade of Homes Client Party 2019 Recap

We had a great time this past weekend at Parade of Homes with some past clients, close friends and family.  This year we did things a little different than in the past. In the afternoon, we caravanned to 5 houses, each one put together by a different builder. It was cool to see their different takes on trends, and “Wow!” was a word said a lot as we went through the houses. There were so many cool details that were put into the houses, and I don’t think any of us could get a huge three seasons room out of our head either! All the builders did a great job! During the house tour portion, we did a Poker Run where individuals could get up to 2 cards per house. After the houses, we drove up to Perrin Brewing for some excellent drinks and food. We announced our winner of the Poker Run and she recieved a $50 gift card to Perrin Brewing. We continued to just hang out for a couple hours and overall have a great time relaxing and mingling.

Thank you to everyone who came out and to the builders and Perrin Brewing for providing a great experience!

Stay tuned for our next client event happening in December!